2-10 Participants
4-8 Hours
60 Cards
Level 3Advanced

Why use the Business Model Deck?

Create business models together, visually! Systematically understand and design your strategies with clients and colleagues. The 60 cards visualize all options for every part of your business model and business development into an easy and fun experience.

  • Have all the options available
  • Explain and discuss everything visually
  • Involve colleagues and clients
  • Make better decisions together

This tool is designed to help you with following challenges.
TIP: to help you ‘think’, select the challenges that apply to your case.

  • Get new insights and create more business scenarios to choose from
  • Involve clients & colleagues in business development
  • Explain and discuss every option visually. Put all options on the table (literally)
  • Facilitate sessions to zoom in on parts of your business model
  • A more intuitive way to talk to investors, clients and team members
  • Understand & improve your business model

How? The tool!

This deck is based on business modelling principles and the method described by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur in the book Business Model Generation. It’s also a great compliment to the ‘Business Model Canvas’. More information on businessmodelgeneration.com/book and businessmodelgeneration.com.
This deck is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0). To view a copy or read more, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/.

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