Trendwatching III – The Game! Session

Why? Looking ahead is hard. The world is changing fast. The next 5 years will change even faster than the past 5 years. Knowing how to look ahead, spot trends, opportunities and threats are essential to the success of your business. Make your plan (a little bit more) futureproof with trendwatching techniques and methods to […]

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Consultancy Service

We turn any challenge into ideas & answers. Our toolbox is filled with visual thinking, design thinking, lean startup, or common sense to help you with innovation, strategy, trendwatching or collaboration. Let’s sort your puzzle out together! Coffee? Sharing best practices Our experience and track record covers events, workshops & trainings for universities, SME, governmental […]

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Trendwatching II – Create the future Session

Why? Looking ahead is hard. The world is changing fast. The next 5 years will change even faster than the past 5 years. Knowing how to look ahead, spot trends, opportunities and threats are essential to the success of your business. Make your plan (a little bit more) futureproof with trendwatching techniques and methods to […]

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Trendwatching I – Understanding & doing Session

Why? Looking ahead is hard. The world is changing fast. The next 5 years will change even faster than the past 5 years. Knowing how to look ahead, spot trends, opportunities and threats are essential to the success of your business. Make your plan (a little bit more) futureproof with trendwatching techniques and methods to […]

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Trendwatching for teams Session

Why? Looking ahead is hard. The world is changing fast. The next 5 years will change even faster than the past 5 years. Knowing how to look ahead, spot trends, opportunities and threats are essential to the success of your business. Make your plan (a little bit more) futureproof with trendwatching techniques and methods to […]

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