Multiple Pitch Canvas Tool

Why use the Multiple Pitch Canvas? Don’t tell everybody the same general story! Create a tailored pitch for every customer segment. Every customer is different and deserves a brief, but clear pitch designed from their perspective. Create pitches that address exactly what every customer segment wants to hear and leave the uninteresting. The perfect marketing […]

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Golden Circle Pitch Canvas Tool

Why use the Golden Circle Pitch Template? Start with the why and create a better pitch! Brainstorm your Why, How and What, define your Story scope and create pitches for every business or product. This template works great with the Multiple Pitch Template, Value Proposition Design Template and Persona Template. This template works great with […]

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Your Why and how to talk about it Session

In this workshop / training you will discover how to get to the essence. Why you do things. What you believe in. How to bring this to life and how to turn this into a pitch, marketing or talk about this with customers, investors or stakeholders.

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