Startups sometimes have a ticking clock. Investors, funds, loans or other means run out eventually with break-even in sight (or not). Larger companies also have these ticking clocks risking to hit break-even from the other side. Sales or cashflows decline, markets are changing, you might not be changing fast enough. What to do? Learning what customers really want and how this changes over time is difficult. Looking beyond features and products even more so. Especially when you’ve already invested time and money.
This workshop is a sequal to Value Proposition Design for Teams, but can also be facilitated on its own. It helps you understand value proposition design, how to create new value or find new customer segments with current offerings. With inspiring examples, we teaches you best practices and put you and your team to work. Afterall, we learn faster by doing.
This workshop is designed for the following challenges.
TIP: to help you ‘think’, select the challenges that apply to your case.
- Find new customer segments and revenue streams
42% No market need29% Ran out of cash18% Pricing / Cost issues17% Product without a business model14% Poor marketing14% Ignore customers- Other reasons why startups fail
- Allocate your time & money more wisely
- Build, meassure and learn what customers want
The loop
Everything we do is based on lean startup and design thinking techniques. This means we solve challenges in loops: processes that can be repeated until a solution is designed, tested and proven (or not). Build – Measure – Learn. The blueprint behind every session.
Tools & methods
What tools will we be using? Well… these ones! Feel free to try them out in preparation of our session together!
There are different ways to execute this workshop/training. It’s important to know the difference (or at least ours) between workshops & training sessions.
- Workshops – Solving challenges!
- Trainings – Learning by doing. Part learning, part solving challenges!
TIP: to help you ‘think’, select the cards that you’re interested in.
- Remote brainstorm session
- 1-day
workshop/training - Multiple-day
workshop/training - Event
bootcamp - Keynote
presentation - Webinar
- Big-screen-brainstorm for large audiences and events
- Train-the-trainer
- More things
to consider > - Remote?
- In-house?
- Digital tools?
- Paper tools?
- 1-4 participants?
- 5-24 participants?
- 25+ participants?
- Large audiences?