Looking ahead is hard. The world is changing fast. The next 5 years will change even faster than the past 5 years. Knowing how to look ahead, spot trends, opportunities and threats are essential to the success of your business. Make your plan (a little bit more) futureproof with trendwatching techniques and methods to better understand your business environment.
This workshop helps teams to create the future of their organization or business. It shows a gamified way to turn trendwatching into teamwork. A more elaborate, but fun and effective way is this card game. Enable teams to discuss trends, their relevance, impact and timing. Analysis of the results create a clear future and foundation to innovate your business.
This workshop is designed for the following challenges.
TIP: to help you ‘think’, select the challenges that apply to your case.
Understand the ever-changing world Turn information overload into clear trends you can apply to your business Understand changing customer behaviour and needs. Design for future customers, not customers from the past Innovate your business. Iterate existing or explore new business models A more intuitive way to talk to investors, clients and team members Discover relevant trends that impact your business Distil threats and opportunities
The loop
Everything we do is based on lean startup and design thinking techniques. This means we solve challenges in loops: processes that can be repeated until a solution is designed, tested and proven (or not). Build – Measure – Learn. The blueprint behind every session.
There are different ways to execute this workshop/training. It’s important to know the difference (or at least ours) between workshops & training sessions.
- Workshops – Solving challenges!
- Trainings – Learning by doing. Part learning, part solving challenges!
TIP: to help you ‘think’, select the cards that you’re interested in.
- Remote brainstorm session
- 1-day
workshop/training - Multiple-day
workshop/training - Event
bootcamp - Keynote
presentation - Webinar
- Big-screen-brainstorm for large audiences and events
- Train-the-trainer
- More things
to consider > - Remote?
- In-house?
- Digital tools?
- Paper tools?
- 1-4 participants?
- 5-24 participants?
- 25+ participants?
- Large audiences?