Everything starts with an idea. A dream, a ‘big hairy audacious goal’ or just some stupid problem that needs fixing. But how do you turn ideas into a startup? Knowing that lots of companies end up doing completely different things than their initial idea.
This workshop is designed for the following challenges.
TIP: to help you ‘think’, select the challenges that apply to your case.
- Is my idea worth investing time and money in?
- Are we solving a problem that actually exists?
- Does my customer segment exist?
- What are the (riskiest) assumptions my plan is based on?
- How to test riskiest assumptions?
- I need help to build, measure and learn from my startup
- What’s my pitch to customers, partners or investors?
- What resources, partners and people do I need to get this off the ground?
- Do I need to quit my job to pursue this dream?
The loop
Everything we do is based on lean startup and design thinking techniques. This means we solve challenges in loops: processes that can be repeated until a solution is designed, tested and proven (or not). Build – Measure – Learn. The blueprint behind every session.
Tools & methods
What tools will we be using? Well… these ones! Feel free to try them out in preparation of our session together!
There are different ways to execute this workshop/training. It’s important to know the difference (or at least ours) between workshops & training sessions.
- Workshops – Solving challenges!
- Trainings – Learning by doing. Part learning, part solving challenges!
TIP: to help you ‘think’, select the cards that you’re interested in.
- Remote brainstorm session
- 1-day
workshop/training - Multiple-day
workshop/training - Event
bootcamp - Keynote
presentation - Webinar
- Big-screen-brainstorm for large audiences and events
- Train-the-trainer
- More things
to consider > - Remote?
- In-house?
- Digital tools?
- Paper tools?
- 1-4 participants?
- 5-24 participants?
- 25+ participants?
- Large audiences?