What challenges do you want to address? We need to know your ‘why’ before we can design brainstorms, workshops, trainings and sessions. We have some interesting techniques to extract your needs, workflows and best practices.
This workshop is designed for the following challenges.
TIP: to help you ‘think’, select the challenges that apply to your case.
Describe your challenges A B C
The loop
Everything we do is based on lean startup and design thinking techniques. This means we solve challenges in loops: processes that can be repeated until a solution is designed, tested and proven (or not). Build – Measure – Learn. The blueprint behind every session.
The 'anything is possible'-phase. We facilitate brainstorms to map processes, workflows and services. Designing towards a common goal! Discover existing tools, explore opportunities, ideate new tools and create smart ways to share and learn!
More info
The next step is to turn the ideas, concepts & sketches into sessions we can actually test.
We like things agile. Everything we make needs to be flexible, fast and ready to test in real life. Sessions can be tested from workshop to training, from table to tablet and from in-house to remote.
The Innovation Challenge Canvas by Wedesignthinking turns your challenges into a battleplan, from hands-on tools and methods to sessions and planning.
It’s important to know the difference (or at least ours) between workshops & training sessions. Are you aiming for a workshop design, training or both?
- Workshops – Solving challenges!
- Trainings – Learning by doing. Part learning, part solving challenges!
TIP: to help you ‘think’, select the cards that you’re interested in.
- Remote brainstorm session
- 1-day
workshop/training - Multiple-day
workshop/training - Event
bootcamp - Keynote
presentation - Webinar
- Big-screen-brainstorm for large audiences and events
- Train-the-trainer
- More things
to consider > - Remote?
- In-house?
- Digital tools?
- Paper tools?
- 1-4 participants?
- 5-24 participants?
- 25+ participants?
- Large audiences?