A new tool for business developers to create platforms and marketplaces
Platform business models are multi-peer business models. It’s very hard to create such a model with the original Business Model Canvas and Lean Canvas. That’s why we developed the Platform Business Model Canvas (PBMC) together with Matthias Walter from Digital Ahead. Our goal is to make it easier than ever to design successful platforms and marketplaces from every stakeholder’s perspective.
The PBMC is part of the Platform Innovation Kit and works well with other templates like the Stakeholder Canvas, Business Model Canvas, Value Proposition Design Canvas and Lean Canvas.
First tests and results were very promising. By sharing our work under a free Creative Commons license, we really like to know what you think. The canvas is free to download and use in offline workshops and can be used in online workshops on Creatlr. Please let us know what you like, or what we could improve by leaving feedback here or contact us for a live demo.
PS. If you know anyone that would be interested in this tool, please share!